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Moon Daughter's Fate

Moon Daughter's Fate

Game System
Regular price $17.00 AUD
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Beginning with an encounter with a disguised god, Moon Daughter’s Fate brings the characters into the province of Sheng Xi Gui, “Whisper Valley,” where divine matters have taken a dangerous turn. Alice Peng has crafted an intricate situation based on Chinese folklore that begins with a mystery and can end in various resolutions of a quarrel among gods, with a healthy dose of fighting and mayhem along the way. The players’ skills at negotiation and mysteries are crucial in addition to combat tactics, and at times the characters’ lives may depend upon problem-solving rather than their fighting skills.

This adventure is suitable for 4–6 characters of levels 5-8 (Tier 2 in 5e) and is located in a fictional, folkloric region of China. If the gaming group uses existing characters, the means by which they reach the Whisper Valley is best determined by the context of their prior adventures.

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