Vampires and Liches
Vampires and Liches
Silent mockeries of life; the undead. From the dark beyond, these horrid apparitions rage against the living in jealous madness. Nightmares of blood and maleficence; vampires. Astride the nebulous worlds of the living and the dying are creatures who defy the natural order in a ruthless quest for vengeance against the living. Horrid creatures intoxicated with power; liches. Imprisoned by hatreds and vile sadism, these abominations reap a grim and endless harvest on the weak and defenseless. Bend your mind to unravel the mysteries of Athransma! Plunge into the dank sewers of the Underguild! Ride the seas of fate to uncharted isles and battle the deadliest of the undead. A journey of nightmare and terror ends with a cataclysmic struggle between the living and the undead.
From the unparalleled masters of sorcerous adventure who brought you ‘Demons and Devils’ comes an adventure of unholy terror, ‘Vampires and Liches.’ Three adventures in one and crafted for a party of 4-6 characters, of 12th level.